Sunday, April 20, 2014

God's Presence in Hard Times

Prayer Force:  His presence
The phrase, "he was  acquainted with grief" regarding Jesus from Isaiah 53 keeps going through my head.  Recently I listened to Joyce Meyer and her teaching on the well known "Bee Attitudes".   Her topic of the day was "blessed are they that mourn for they will be comforted".  I can relate easily to these topics because this season of time has been time of sorrows and wonderments for me and those around me. Sometimes I felt like I would be swallowed up in grief... but God's presence was enveloping me even when my efforts to reach out seemed limited. My simple "yes Lord" gave Him an open door to bring healing.  It is not always easy to see God's hand through brokenness.  Last February 2013 my 91 year old father passed into eternity leaving me and my siblings without natural parents on this earth...I miss hearing their voices and their godly council.  Almost a year later my brother passed very unexpectedly at a young age.  There are other things that have come and tried to rock my faith.  I'm sure you could share of things that have come this year.  However, in the midst I have seen the presence of God bring peace and strength and miracles.  Jesus was aquatinted with grief.  Look up today, believe upon Him, let him restore and bring miracles into your life.  Don't shut the door because of sorrows that have come, don't miss the compassion He has for you and the call He has placed upon you.  You are called to do more than survive this life....You are called to see victory.  Some may not see victory in the cross...but if there were no cross there would be no resurrection day.   This may sound different....but if Jesus didn't see the Father in times of sorrow and grief He would not have met the cross of His destiny.  The cross and Resurrection were Jesus' destiny from the foundation of the world.  The cross of our Savor paid the price for our sin and opened the door for our victory. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cultivating Coming into the Presence of God: Part 1


Prayer Force:  Cultivating coming into the Presence of God

The presence of God is life changing and produces in a person the plan and purposes of God as they walk through their daily life.  It is not that you stop being a normal person with normal concerns…rather it is that you are strengthened by the presence of the King.  Many folks have tasted of His presence in church or a revival meeting and have placed His Presence in the once in a great while file…God wants us to cultivate a relationship with Him that will allow Him to be welcome any time of day or night.  His strength is powerful.  I won’t say it is always easy, but from experience I can say the rewards are great.  There are always obstacles to forming a good habit. Learning to come into God’s presence is no exception and in fact this habit is targeted for defeat by our enemy the devil.  An overcoming life that gives the believer strength to walk through life’s trials and difficulties with the ability to effectively reach out to those around us who are in need catches the attention of the enemy.  He knows that placing ourselves in the secret place of the Most High God brings us to that place of victory.  Don’t fret because Holy Spirit can help us overcome any obstacle and God has given us His armor to defend against any attack of the enemy.  The Word tells us to boldly come to the throne of grace.  Over the next days as we approach Resurrection day I’d like to discuss steps to coming into God’s throne room and into His life changing presence.

Today I found something I’ve been searching for since my graduation from Valley Forge Christian College in 1986.  A friend gave me a Scottish Bible that I loved.  It had Psalms from an old version.  I misplaced the Bible.  Here is Psalms 91 in that sweet version.  The wording is different than we are used to…but give it a read and tell God you desire His presence.  also here is a song that leads to the throne room.




Tuesday, March 25, 2014

God wants to be in our presence

Prayer Force:  The Presence of God

My father taught Sunday School in our church for many years and one of his favorite experiences was the sharing of a weekly Scripture dealing with God’s desire to have fellowship with His people.  It started one day when He asked God a question.  “Do you enjoy it when we come into your presence?”  He didn’t receive an immediate answer, but as he went about his daily business the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart.  The family dog jumped up on the couch and Dad heard the Holy Spirit ask him, “Whose little dog is this?”  Dad answered back, “He is my little dog.”  The Spirit prodded one more time….”Do you like it when he comes to you on his own accord just to spend time with you?”  Dad understood what was being said.  “Yes, yes I do”   Some balk at the notion that the God of the universe would care about spending time with an individual.  They are quick to point out that God doesn’t need anything.  However, the Scripture tells us we were made for His pleasure.  My husband John and I didn’t need children to survive, but we desired them and it is our greatest joy even now that they are grown to be in their presence or to receive a phone call.  God desired fellowship and made us in His image….like him.  Two early circumstances in the Bible come to mind that speaks to this….one in Genesis 3:8 we see that God came to Adam and Eve in the cool of the day…which seems to have been a habit before the fall.  Then in Leviticus 26:11 as instructions are being given for the tabernacle we see that God desired to “tabernacle” or dwell among His people.  The tent of His presence was to be in the middle of the camp.  Today we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and He desires us to be willing vessels of His presence.  When we take time with Him, we become like him in character and mind, we are healed in body and spirit, and we are strengthened in heart and purpose.  This week as we anticipate the Lord’s Day and the gathering of ourselves together to worship let’s come into His presence in our homes and workplaces….worship can be so much more when it is our daily habit.  Instead of having to prime the pump…we begin to flow in His presence immediately.