Prayer Force: His presence
The phrase, "he was acquainted with grief" regarding Jesus from Isaiah 53 keeps going through my head. Recently I listened to Joyce Meyer and her teaching on the well known "Bee Attitudes". Her topic of the day was "blessed are they that mourn for they will be comforted". I can relate easily to these topics because this season of time has been time of sorrows and wonderments for me and those around me. Sometimes I felt like I would be swallowed up in grief... but God's presence was enveloping me even when my efforts to reach out seemed limited. My simple "yes Lord" gave Him an open door to bring healing. It is not always easy to see God's hand through brokenness. Last February 2013 my 91 year old father passed into eternity leaving me and my siblings without natural parents on this earth...I miss hearing their voices and their godly council. Almost a year later my brother passed very unexpectedly at a young age. There are other things that have come and tried to rock my faith. I'm sure you could share of things that have come this year. However, in the midst I have seen the presence of God bring peace and strength and miracles. Jesus was aquatinted with grief. Look up today, believe upon Him, let him restore and bring miracles into your life. Don't shut the door because of sorrows that have come, don't miss the compassion He has for you and the call He has placed upon you. You are called to do more than survive this life....You are called to see victory. Some may not see victory in the cross...but if there were no cross there would be no resurrection day. This may sound different....but if Jesus didn't see the Father in times of sorrow and grief He would not have met the cross of His destiny. The cross and Resurrection were Jesus' destiny from the foundation of the world. The cross of our Savor paid the price for our sin and opened the door for our victory.