Many of us have heard the Dr. Philism “You can’t change what you won’t admit” Recently a friend decided to be transparent before the Lord. She opened herself up to see things in her life and walk with Him that needed repair. She striped down the layers that so often cover our perspective of ourselves and was willing to look at the picture as God and others view it. I squirmed in my chair a little as I saw her openness. As a pastor/pastors wife it is exactly what I would advocate anyone do before the Lord , yet it made me uncomfortable because it brought me to a place of understanding that there are areas where I’ve pulled the wool over my own head. True openness before God means facing things that need to be fixed in your life. My friends willingness to be so open before God has had me thinking all week. Here are something’s I believe the Lord would speak to us if we are to be real with Him.
We can’t hide from God
If you’ve ever watched Dr. Phil or Joyce Meyers and thought they are extremely probing in their desire to get a person to face themselves realize God is even more so. The reason for this is His great love towards us and His desire to see His plan unfold in our life.
Mindset determines our actions
Many of us say we desire change, but change requires a new mindset. The Bible tells us we must renew our mind to line up with the Word of God. If we are not convinced of the necessity of something we will continue down the same path we are traveling. We can easily get a holier than thou attitude because we line up with doctrinal standards while God may very well be looking more toward our character.
Taking a hard look at ourselves can be painful
We often recoil at taking a look at our thoughts, our actions, or our words. Looking at these things reveal the condition of our lives. It forces us to see ourselves as others see us with all our faults and need.
God is our source of help and healing
Arguably there are many sources in the world to help a person face the issues of their life. However, we serve a God who is able to take our mess and bring healing. He is to be our source above all He is our Maker. When we willingly allow the Holy Spirit to show us who and what we are, when we see that picture and ask for His help…There are no limits to the efforts God will go to to bring restoration to our soul. We place ourselves in His hands, admitting all, renewing our mind to His mind, and walk in newness of life.
The reward of facing ourselves and allowing it to change our perspective and our actions is that our tomorrow changes. The destruction that could have been is swallowed up in the goodness of God bringing about a New Day in our life.
That's good stuff, thanks for posting Ruth!
I just spoke about this subject at The Sarah Home last night.
We close ourselves from looking within ourselves because we dislike seeing our sin, yet when we open ourselves to the Lord to be transparent, it's then that he lovingly corrects us and it's so much better when we do so with an open heart rather than 'kicking against the pricks' as said in Paul's testimony.
Thank you Ruth.
Thank You Lisa,
Yes, it is so much better to allow the Lord to speak to us and be open to Him. We need to refuse to go into denial and allow Him to show us ourselves....and better yet show us what we can be in Him if we will but look, listen and obey.
Thank for postingon the blog. I'm praying that the Lord will help me write things that will both prick my heart and others.
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