Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tears in a bottle

Psalms 56:8 "....put thou my tears into thy bottle:.." KJV
It's been a roller coaster of emotions lately with many things happening in my family. As a matter of fact many people I know and trust to pray things through are going through circumstances right now. Yesterday my sil reminded me of the Scripture where David talked about God putting our tears in a bottle. I realized that God sees, knows and feels what I'm going through. We have a High Priest, the Bible tells us in Hebrews 4:15, who understands and is touched by the things that happen to us. I drew a picture of a bottle with water in it almost to the brim...I had tears still falling in it...and I labeled those things I was crying about.Here is what God revealed and reminded me of as I chewed on the Word of God.

  • God See's. Remember Rahab. When she fled from Sarai the Angel of the Lord came. She called the Lord, "The God Who Sees" He sent her back to Sarai and told her to submit herself to her...yet he let her know that there was a plan for her life and that of her son. God is not blind to our circumstances. Sometimes we feel as if we will be crushed under the weight of what we are carrying. He cares and if we listen to His voice and obey He acts on our behalf even when we can't see everything that lies beyond the corner.

  • Don't drown in your tears. Drawing the picture was very therapeutic for sealed the truth of God's love and concern. However, the Spirit prodded me further than that wonderful truth. If I camped on this point alone as wonderful as it is to feel and know the comfort of the Lord...I'd be tempted to get into the place where the tears would loose their meaning. Tears can be part of the healing process, part of a season of prayer, and even part of worship...but staying in tears can lead to a spirit of defeat rather than victory. For instance, a child who comes home crying with a scrape goes to his mother who dresses the wound (sometimes even if a band aide isn't really needed) she kisses the child and says, "All better". Usually when I followed that procedure with my boys....they'd happily go out and play again. They knew I loved them, they knew I fixed the problem (stopped the bleeding, cleaned the wound, put a band aide on it), that I'd be there should they need anything further, and that I'd declared, "All better" Admittedly sometimes the scrape still hurts..but delaying getting back into life's activity prolongs the pain by keeping our focus on the injury.

  • Run with purpose. We all have seasons when tears fall freely before the Lord. Issues that we must talk to him about...circumstances that we need guidance about....and times of reassurance of His love and tenderness. These times are what can propel us to his purpose...if we like a child receive his love and go forward in confidence.

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