Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cultivating Coming into the Presence of God: Part 1


Prayer Force:  Cultivating coming into the Presence of God

The presence of God is life changing and produces in a person the plan and purposes of God as they walk through their daily life.  It is not that you stop being a normal person with normal concerns…rather it is that you are strengthened by the presence of the King.  Many folks have tasted of His presence in church or a revival meeting and have placed His Presence in the once in a great while file…God wants us to cultivate a relationship with Him that will allow Him to be welcome any time of day or night.  His strength is powerful.  I won’t say it is always easy, but from experience I can say the rewards are great.  There are always obstacles to forming a good habit. Learning to come into God’s presence is no exception and in fact this habit is targeted for defeat by our enemy the devil.  An overcoming life that gives the believer strength to walk through life’s trials and difficulties with the ability to effectively reach out to those around us who are in need catches the attention of the enemy.  He knows that placing ourselves in the secret place of the Most High God brings us to that place of victory.  Don’t fret because Holy Spirit can help us overcome any obstacle and God has given us His armor to defend against any attack of the enemy.  The Word tells us to boldly come to the throne of grace.  Over the next days as we approach Resurrection day I’d like to discuss steps to coming into God’s throne room and into His life changing presence.

Today I found something I’ve been searching for since my graduation from Valley Forge Christian College in 1986.  A friend gave me a Scottish Bible that I loved.  It had Psalms from an old version.  I misplaced the Bible.  Here is Psalms 91 in that sweet version.  The wording is different than we are used to…but give it a read and tell God you desire His presence.  also here is a song that leads to the throne room.




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