Thursday, January 31, 2008


Have you ever wondered if God left the building? Have you ever been standing in faith and believing His promises, yet seemingly the heavens pass you by. Tempted to give into a spirit of disappointment with God though you’d never admit it was so. As I read the Psalms I see that there were times King David, a man of war, this man after God’s own heart did battle with questions about things going on around him too. No other book I’ve read pulls at the emotions of the heart with cries for answers and help in time of need. Some today would say that to have questions is to disrespect the King of Kings. David would disagree. These questions and times of wonderment, became avenues of drawing upon the unchanging faithfulness of God. His praise even in affliction upon His bed led him to the throne room of God. The Word says we can come boldly into the great throne room of heaven laying down our burden and thrusting our trust upon His faithfulness. The temptation is there however, if let unchecked, in these times to build resentment instead of building faith and listening for direction. The temptation is there to forget that God is the author of a good plan---we falsely label God as the author of evil that befalls people instead of the true source. We serve a God who is greater than any work of the enemy. David cried out with emotion the needs and dire circumstances that befell him. He shared the things that were unjust…yet he refused to stay in that pleading state of mind. Even upon his bed, he began to proclaim the faithfulness of the Lord. He made a conscience decision to declare the works of the Lord. Basically he was calling those things which were not (in the natural) as though they were. He knew the faithfulness of God as well as the plan of God and declared it instead of the obvious bad news. When you are in the midst of disappointment you have a choice when feelings assail you. What do you do with those waves of emotion and those thoughts? It is in these dark times like those King David faced, we must call upon the faithfulness of God even when in the natural we do not see it. We declare the works of the Lord, sing upon our bed, encourage ourselves in the Lord. What are you declaring? God is a healer, God is a help in times of trouble, God is able to provide. Declare those truths in your heart when every emotion tares at you….declare His word

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Run for your lives

Tonight John and I were recalling a camping trip when our eldest son was about 5 and our youngest around 3 years old. We were in a cabin that had a nice fire place. John had went to get supplies while I stayed with the boys. All of a sudden Al saw something in the fire that frightened him. He screamed, “Run for your lives” I scooped up Joshua, and Al and I ran for our lives. Turns out the fire had simply crackled and gotten a little big so we weren’t in any danger. Despite the false alarm when ever I think of that moment when in his child’s mind we were in trouble and he acted to protect us it is very precious to me. Daddy was away and so he took the lead. Al has always been a protector. He protected little kids from bullies, he made sure his Grandmothers pills were right, and his teachers always said he was willing to help others anyway he could. I know that now that he has started a family of his own that he would do anything to protect and serve. He is motivated by love. Yes, I’m biased…I think my boys are wonderful. It reminds me of the protection of God. Jesus declared He will never leave or forsake us. He looks out for our interest and He truly knows every danger that seeks to destroy us. Jesus warns us urges us today to come under his protection. Don’t go it alone, seek His face and allow yourself to come under the shelter of His wings. He has made provision for our protection from the storm. Al is 19 and he’s taken a bit of teasing over his frantic call to “Run for your lives” those years ago, but truly God gave him the heart of a protector. You are safe in the arms of God if you choose to come dwell under His protection.

Psalm 91

Thursday, January 24, 2008

You can't give more than you have!

We've all heard the sermons on the importance of putting the Word in our hearts and acting it out. When we accept Jesus into our heart the fruit of the spirit is within us, but we must learn to yield to the works of the Spirit. We learn this by choosing in everyday life to act upon the Word of God. Today, I had been in prayer and feeling pretty good. All of a sudden I ran into a predicament with an opportunity to get involved into strife based on someone elses frustration. The flesh rolled up within me wanting to react and throw back demeaning remarks. Isn't it funny we can be in a place of prayer one minute and when the real world hits us we still have to make a choice. Thing is without the Word and without the time with Jesus we have little to draw from in these times. I was upset...spoke my little piece ("...this is your frustration, not mine...I didn't do anything") and then was able to come back with..."I've been frustrated before---I understand how annoying it can be" "The Bible says, "a soft answer turns away wrath" There are many ways that the enemy of our souls tries to bring destruction to us and to precious relationships. I'm not advocationg that we roll over and play dead....Just that if we don't have it within us to see things from God's perspective then we will act out our own impulses and miss out on what God has for us and others. Tonignt I"m looking at family pictures and the Lord has reminded me of circumstances where the enemy ment destruction....but someone in the family trusted God and walked in love despite the actions of loved ones who were walking in anger, fear or frustration. Those faithful people made all of the difference in our family history. That didn't happen because my family is any better than other Chrsitian families. It came because through our mistakes and hurt feelings and wrong choices we learned a better way for future circumstances. Just when yu think you've learned it all another circumstance comes and you are faced with a choice that requires you to draw from the Word and presence of God that you've placed in your heart. Thank God for Grace...the grace of God, the Grace of friends and family, and most of all for the wells of Salvation.

What are you storing up in your spirit that will help you yield to the fruit of the spirit?

I know I've rambled tonight...hope it makes a little sense.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do everything with Gusto

A few months ago Jessie Duplantis wrote an article about doing your best for God. It’s been ringing in my ear since then. We took our boys to Cub Scouts and that motto was quoted and instilled into them each meeting. A look at the requirements for an animal sacrificed to God in the Old Testament shows that God desires our very best. You see if a person had sheep and was going to make a sacrifice to God it couldn’t be one that was lame, blind, or defective. It had to be the best. Another words it shouldn’t be the one that the sheep farmer didn’t mind losing anyway because it wouldn’t help his profit margin. It had to be something that was the best of his breading stock. In my first real reads through the Bible the point went right over my head and I wondered why God would be prejudice against handicapped sheep. Praise God for His patience and revelation to us. Paul tells to do whatever we do with gusto for the Lord. Lately I’ve been praying for passion for my boys and the other church kids. I’m believing God to do a work beyond measure in their lives. Yet since I’ve prayed this prayer the Holy Spirit has begun to ask me “pesky questions” concerning my own passion to do things to the best of the ability He‘s given me. It’s not about being a perfectionist…in the sense of not enjoying life along the way. The questions the Holy Spirit has asked me is about whether or not I’m doing the things God has put in my care with the attitude of giving my best. My youngest is in 12th grade and is taking mid-terms this week. He desires to do his best. Today is Wednesday and for years we’ve had cell group meeting at my house. Recently we moved it somewhere else. Though my home would never grace a magazine for its decor the Holy Spirit prodded me…do the clean up you’d usually do for Wednesday group…give you best for your family and for me. He’s speaking to me about other things as well…do it with gusto.
What is one specific thing that you can improve upon by doing it whole heartedly? Care to read Jessie Duplantis article “While on Earth Let’s give God our Best” I have it set to the magazine. Scroll to page four. Thoughts?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Feeding your Hunger

Last night I wrote about having a hunger for God. It reminded me of a childhood story that my folks loved to re-tell. When I was little we lived near Senaca Lake in the Finger Lakes region. Mom and Dad had heard about a restaurant near the lake that was having a smorgasbord (all you can eat buffet) that had all sorts of good things to eat. We didn't go out to eat all of the time, so this was a big event. The meal was going to be good and the price was right. Mom and Dad prepared our hunger...after school the usual snack was we didn't ruin our appetite. They showed us a brochure with pictures of the selections and the pretty scenery around the lake. We were hyped for the whole experience. Alas, after all the preperation Mom and Dad realized that they had gotten the night mixed up and the restarurant was closed the evening we went. We ended up at a little dive eating hamburgers and french fries. Thankfully, my folks had the presence of mind not to let disappointment ruin the night....we had a wonderful time laughing at the mistake. I'm glad there is never a wrong time to set our hunger toward God. There have been times when I realy didn't feel particularly hungry in the natural ---but the desire came at the smell of food, seeing a Burgur King commercial, or by sitting down with friends over a small snack. Sometimes we must feed our hunger for God. The Word says "taste and see the Lord is good". You may be saying, "Yeah, I the word, go to church, pray.....yada, yada, yada." God says that when we taste we will want to taste more. Is there a topic you are interested in learning?....find a Chrisitan book or , sermon series about it. Is there a certain music type that speaks to your heart? Go to the Christian bookstore and find that type of music. Having trouble reading the Word...ask God to show you wonderful things from his word. Feed your Spirit. Invest in yourself...with godly pursuits and when you go to church you will find yourself getting more out of worship, praise and the preaching of the Word. Hey now, we spend money and time on entertainment....lets invest in our walk with God. Tell me, How do you feed your spirit?

Monday, January 21, 2008


Are you hungry? It is 12:00 a.m. and I have to work tomorrow. I should be in bed sound asleep. I will be shortly. I've been listening to teaching on fasting which is a discipline that I have practiced to some degree and have increased in last year. Just thinking about it has made me feel physically hungry. I am fighting the urge to raid the fridge even as I write this post. The Holy Spirit began to talk to me about being hungry for Him. Jesus said that those who hunger and thrist after Him shall be filled. Many Christians have experienced dry times myself included. Jesus declared He is the bread of life...our daily manna. I say to the LORD this early morning that my hunger for him is greater than the fridge, it is greater than desire for TV time, and it is great (ah....Lord make it so) greater than my computer time, greater than any relationship and indeed it helps my most precious relationships become fonder and more loving. When I'm dry my heart can still drink from the well of Salvation....feelings are not my guide....when I'm hungry I reach up for the heavenly manna and eat that which Jesus provides in His Word and through the Holy Spirit. If I thirst and don't drink....the result is more dryness....If I hunger after God but push that hunger aside with the click of a channel changer than my hunger is not fulfilled. I go to bed without the desired trip to the fridge, but with the presence of the Holy Spirit that feeds my soul and brings refreshing like a cool drink.

Are you hungry for God? What are you feeding yourself?
Are you thirsty for God? What are you drawing from the wells of Salvation?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I have a dream ----What is your character

January 21, 2008 : Martin Luther King Day,

Earlier today after church my husband and I talked to our son , Joshua about his plans since there is no school on Martin Luther King Day. He'll be working and studying for midterms. I got wondering if sometimes special days slip by as just an extra day off without thought about what the day means. I began to think about Kings famous "I have a dream speech" and one line resounded in my spirit. " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." I ask myself black, white, yellow, whatever color we are....looking to the truth of this statement would we be satisfied with the judgment of our character. I don't talk of legalistic rules that bind us and take our freedom from us, but I talk of choosing to do that wihich is right in God's eyes. I'm talking about choosing to walk in intergrity rather than the easy way which selfishly chooses that which helps our cause regardless of the effects on others. If people judged us upon our character would they find us honest and hardworking? Would they find us growing in the fruit of the Spirit and walking in the character of God? What steps are you taking this year to improve your godly character. What changes would you have to make if truly others judged us by our character rather than something as superficial as our color.
Listen to the whole Martin Luther King speech with this link and ask the Lord to challenge you on this day of remembrance.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Impromptu Hug

Sunday nights before church begins I walk in and sit on the floor by the pulpit with our little granddaughter. Last Sunday something incredible happened. I sat down as usual … she came toward me as usual… and then she reached her little arms out to me asking for a hug. We embraced at her desire. I let her go and she scampered over to her Mother. She caught my eye and did an instant replay. Her daddy is our unofficially adopted son brought to us by God. His life is a testimony of what Jesus can do with a life yielded to Him. My heart was on cloud nine…with her first little act of purposeful affection telling me through her action that she loves me. Months of love, hugs, smiles, soft words, and fun times brought her to the conclusion that she is loved and that she wanted to show her love back…and now she knows how to do that. It reminds me of many of us. God shows us His great love toward us. He has mercy upon us, He speaks our name, He offers forgiveness despite our sin, His love is beyond measure and is an “unspeakable gift” My granddaughter made a move toward me in faith and trust; we can move toward God in our daily life and circumstances based upon the knowledge of His genuine love toward us. How pleased God must be when we reach out toward Him in loving embrace. He knows that for us to take the risk means that we are coming to Him in trust and faith. Days later I'm still in awe.

Romans 5:8-9 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. KJV

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Gift of Ministry

Since my husband and I are Pastors it is sometimes hard to talk about ministry as gifts, but that is exactly what the Bible does in Ephesians chapter 4:8-16. Paul explains that Jesus gave the five fold ministry as gifts to the church. The truth is the Bible also lets it be known that the body of Christ is a gift to those in ministry. When ministry is operating properly it prepares the church for ministry both within and outside the box (church walls). There is sacrifice involved. Though many aspire to it because of seeming glamor they fall by the wayside when the real work is revealed...and when things get tough. You see the gift of ministry is more than a Sunday Service, shaking hands, and an occasional wedding or funeral. Some church goers have no idea what goes into a ministers life. Sometimes expections have nothing to do with Biblical mandates....but fall prey to man made ideas of what, when or how they should do something. One thing is for sure is since Jesus gave the gift we should not expect cookie cutter ministers and wives. We've been ministering in the same church for a long time and we don't have plans to leave, but I've been thinking about down the road when we either move on or retire. I've asked the Lord, "How can I prepare the people to accept the new pastors wife when she comes with her own gifts and talents?" I pastor along with my husband, preach and teach, lead cell groups ect. Yet should the Lord tarry, maybe the next wife will be a singer, maybe she'll be a business woman who can contribute to the setting up of the budget and other administrative tasks. My answer seems to be to see the worth and God given talent in our congregation and to show them both in teaching and in lifestyle the value of different gifts used for the Glory of God in the body of Christ. I'm not the typical singer, piano player, cookie baker, pastors wife....and they accepted accpeting the Gift in season with all its personality and diversity should come naturally. The Gift may be different from other gifts, what stays the same is integrity and holiness unto the Lord. Ministry, my friend, is not about your apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers doing everything....real ministry helps you to step into the game and do your part.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Praising in the car

My husband's sermon really got me thinking today. His series has been the Principles of Praise. Today he mentioned that he loves to praise in the car while he's taking care of business. When I'm in the car with him I enjoy the praise music or the Word tapes too. We have a different style of praise. For instance, I love to write to the Lord on the computer. To some people that wouldn't be praise at would be hard work or a mess. My mother used to get up in the middle of the night and play the piano----I loved to listen to her...she'd really go at it and she talked with her fingers going over the fingers go over the keys too...only the typing keys. What is your favorite way to praise and come into the Lord's presence?

This isn't Pastor John....but when we get our video camera I'll tape him. I found this on Godtube with this guy singing in the car and I couldn't resist putting it up on the blog, If you have a special way you love to praise the lord and want to upload it to Godtube send me the link and we'll put it on the blog.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Gift of Family can be challenging

Last night reminded me that there are times when the gift of family can be challenging. It is a challenge well worth the time. Family touches who you are, it touches your heart, it hurts like nothing other when there is a problem. I'm aware that some family situations are seemingly idealic while others are hellish. God's design for the family we find in Genesis is to be one of love and protection. The fall brought destruction, but through Christ we are renewed and can walk in the purposes of God. My husband had to remind me of that fact. Teenagers can sometimes be in a place where they think they know all and their parents are somewhere out in outer space. Day by Day I understand my parents better. I understand the joy of children and having placed the love of God in them, I understand the pain of hurtful remarks, and yes of even understanding where I've missed the mark. The voice of the Holy Spirit whispers my name telling me, "Words are important, remember how you felt at this stage in life!" He tells me it is not all about me.....I have a choice in my reaction. The Gift of family takes nourishment, it takes a willingness to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and His Word. Are you in the midst of a painful family situation? You are not alone. Jesus can calm your anxiety, He can help you respond correctly.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Gift of Family

I can hear some of you ohhhhhhing and ahhhhhhhhing while others cringe because of your bad experiences. The truth is God made families to be a blessing to one another. We know that sometimes families have real difficulty walking in that blessing, and we will deal with that reality in more detail later.

When I first held my firstborn in my arms it seemed like time had stopped and life was all about him and how my husband and I would be everything he needed to grow up feeling loved and accepted. What an overwhelming feeling it is to realize you have a little ones life in your hands. As my youngest is fininishing 12th grade that is still our aim. We were blessed to have both our families be a comfort through life's ups and downs. It might not have went that way without God. When I first married John it took some getting used to his family and how they did things. They are people with a plan and a purpose. Vacations were planned a year in advance with the proper tent sight laborously sought and found, the menu plan completed or at least talked about in detail, and the cookies divided evenly round the campfire. My family planned to plan on the way. Wow, can you imagine the planner guy marrying the girl from the plan as you go family? Now that is not to say we didn't plan anything...we always had food on the table and clothes on our back. Now we are a combination of both worlds taking the best and sometimes the worst of each extreem. One thing both my husband and my father have in commom is the fear of being late. As a child we would always be teh first to arrive, I prefer to be on time but no more than 10 minutes early. A family is a mix of emotions, opinions, lives, and God given destiny to be a comfort and blessing to the others. We contribute who we are to others. God didn't make a cookie cutter of Adam when he made Eve. Yes, he made the same species, but He allowed for differences. The blending of a famiy gives the proper atmosphere for children to learn to deal with situations outside with respect and concern. This subject is huge. YOu see we can attend church, know the proper language and activity of the church world, but miss out on realizing that proper family relationships are a spiritual matter. God spoke a wonderful word that shows that even those who feel like they have no one to call family can be included somehow somewhere in a human family that God prepares. Psalms 68:6" God sets the solitary in families;"NKJV

Have you ever felt out in the cold with no one who really cared or have you ever felt smotherd by a host of family members? Remember we humans are not perfect, but God will give us people for our lives. We cherish them for as long as they are here upon this earth. They are a gift that has a price tag far beyond the greatest amount of money.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Gift of Love

The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept" Folks debate about why He wept. Some say it was because people didn't understand His purposes....others think it was simply because of His love for Mary, Martha and Lazarus. When I read glimpses’ about these sisters and brother and their association with Jesus I can't help but see the friendship that formed between them. Martha, the busy housekeeper, allowed Jesus to show her the need to smell the roses, and Mary felt comfortable enough to sit at His feet and listen as He taught about the Kingdom. John 11tells of Lazarus getting sick and finally dying....and the disappointment the sisters had...and best of all the Resurrection that occurred. The tears of Jesus shed near the grave of His friend reminds me that will all the millions of people that are on the earth, Jesus still loves me. The Bible tells us "For God so loved the Word, that He gave His only son that whosoever believeth on Him should have everlasting life" Love is not wrapped in a gift box topped with a pretty bow. Love is assurance that you matter to someone in this life. Many people struggle because they don't feel loved...they don't understand that Jesus loves with an everlasting love...the width, the length, and the dept of His love is unsearchable

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Gift of Life continued

Have you ever watched the famous Christmas movie called, "It's a Wonderful Life"? The main character finds himself in a state of depression wishing he'd never been born. The movie shows what life would have been like without him...and the many people who would have been negatively effected without his presence. No matter the circumstance of your birth you were no surprise to God. My mother planned me without my father's knowledge. They had two children already, a girl and a boy, yet she longed for one more. It took Dad awhile to get used to the idea because he felt as if he was getting too old for another child. David declared in Psalms 139 that God formed him in the womb. We can proclaim with him that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Now 43 years later, Dad says he doesn't know what he'd do without me. Whether or not your family celebrates your birth, your exisitence on this earth, God has purpose for your life. We serve a God who is not pulling a cruel joke by giving us life. The Word says, that the plans of the Lord are good towards us. Perhaps your life doesn't seem like a gift to you right now. Debt, sorrow, and lost may cloud our vision. The Bible says that Jesus was a man of Sorrows aquainted with grief, He well understands us and the feelings we go through. When we think we are sinking he offers His hand to us just as He did to Peter.....He offers to lift us up and bring us to our purpose and a life worth living. You can make a difference with God's help to those around you. Your life is a gift and yes your life counts for eternity.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Gift of LIfe

Life. A gift from God. Some of you remember the joy of being pregnant for the first time. The thoughts that went through your mind of bringing a precious life into existence. You realized that you were bringing a part of you that would continue upon this earth even after you die and go to be with the Lord. Nineteen years ago my firstborn came into the world on Mother's Day. He had an infection and had to stay on at the hospital for awhile but came home with no problems. He was my gift. Our second son was born two months prematurely at 3lbs 3 ounces. The doctors weren't optimistic about his chance of survival, but God had another gift in mind for our family. We chose to have children and so did God. God's crown creation is mankind. The Bible tells us in Genesis that we are made in his likeness. We were created with intelligence, with leadership qualities, and the desire to have fellowship with others like us. We have a yearning for God and for others. We all know that mankind sinned and as a result man is not in the same position we were in at creation. Yet we understand through God's grace that He has provided for our salvation through Jesus. One of my favorite verses shows that even in a fallen state God still loves to reach into the lives of his creation and do good things even in situations that seem hopeless. Jeremiah 29:11-121 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope ."NKJV Life is a gift that is daily opened....and the choice of what to do with the gift is up to us. Walking in His wisdom brings about the absolute best result for a life worth living.

See you tomorrow

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Seeing the Gifts of God in our lives

Have you ever heard the phrase, "you can't see the forest for the trees"? Recently a sincere young woman asked me, "Does God really give gifts, does he really care?". The obvious answer is of course He does, we have only to look around us to see His love and His gifts to us. Yet, if we are willing to admit it to ourselves we like this young lady have experienced times where "life" and all its trappings have caused us to miss the evidence of His love towards us. Burdened with job, bills, relationships, caring for our children, wonderings about our future and a myrid of other concerns can all be things that cause us to look towards the heavens and wonder if there really is a loving God who looks upon us with love and concern. In the month of January I'd like to examine the love of God and how we can see it and understand it in 2008. We'll use Scripture and also will welcome personal testimonies. Back to the "you can't see the forest for the trees" phrase----when we are focused on our problems our vantage point is limited. We miss other things all around us, things that could be of benefit to us if only we could redirect our vision. Let's allow 2008 be the year to lift our eyes toward heaven and see Him.

See you tomorrow...