We've all heard the sermons on the importance of putting the Word in our hearts and acting it out. When we accept Jesus into our heart the fruit of the spirit is within us, but we must learn to yield to the works of the Spirit. We learn this by choosing in everyday life to act upon the Word of God. Today, I had been in prayer and feeling pretty good. All of a sudden I ran into a predicament with an opportunity to get involved into strife based on someone elses frustration. The flesh rolled up within me wanting to react and throw back demeaning remarks. Isn't it funny we can be in a place of prayer one minute and when the real world hits us we still have to make a choice. Thing is without the Word and without the time with Jesus we have little to draw from in these times. I was upset...spoke my little piece ("...this is your frustration, not mine...I didn't do anything") and then was able to come back with..."I've been frustrated before---I understand how annoying it can be" "The Bible says, "a soft answer turns away wrath" There are many ways that the enemy of our souls tries to bring destruction to us and to precious relationships. I'm not advocationg that we roll over and play dead....Just that if we don't have it within us to see things from God's perspective then we will act out our own impulses and miss out on what God has for us and others. Tonignt I"m looking at family pictures and the Lord has reminded me of circumstances where the enemy ment destruction....but someone in the family trusted God and walked in love despite the actions of loved ones who were walking in anger, fear or frustration. Those faithful people made all of the difference in our family history. That didn't happen because my family is any better than other Chrsitian families. It came because through our mistakes and hurt feelings and wrong choices we learned a better way for future circumstances. Just when yu think you've learned it all another circumstance comes and you are faced with a choice that requires you to draw from the Word and presence of God that you've placed in your heart. Thank God for Grace...the grace of God, the Grace of friends and family, and most of all for the wells of Salvation.
What are you storing up in your spirit that will help you yield to the fruit of the spirit?
I know I've rambled tonight...hope it makes a little sense.
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