Monday, January 7, 2008

The Gift of Love

The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept" Folks debate about why He wept. Some say it was because people didn't understand His purposes....others think it was simply because of His love for Mary, Martha and Lazarus. When I read glimpses’ about these sisters and brother and their association with Jesus I can't help but see the friendship that formed between them. Martha, the busy housekeeper, allowed Jesus to show her the need to smell the roses, and Mary felt comfortable enough to sit at His feet and listen as He taught about the Kingdom. John 11tells of Lazarus getting sick and finally dying....and the disappointment the sisters had...and best of all the Resurrection that occurred. The tears of Jesus shed near the grave of His friend reminds me that will all the millions of people that are on the earth, Jesus still loves me. The Bible tells us "For God so loved the Word, that He gave His only son that whosoever believeth on Him should have everlasting life" Love is not wrapped in a gift box topped with a pretty bow. Love is assurance that you matter to someone in this life. Many people struggle because they don't feel loved...they don't understand that Jesus loves with an everlasting love...the width, the length, and the dept of His love is unsearchable


Mompower said...

I have often felt the same way as I have pondered on that very verse. The very thought that Christ would not only die for me but cry for me as well even during His life is so precious.

Thank you Ruth.....for that reminder today.

Ruth said...

This week my brother and his wife have needed the touch of family---it was only 3 months back that my husband and I needed to feel that sort of love in a big way in our lives. I agree with you so much....if people who wonder about God could only understand that He does love for them, He does care about them, and He does want to act on their behalf if only they will let Him in to their life. Your comment here and on the Family Life Prayer board really got me thinking even more about this.