Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Gift of Life continued

Have you ever watched the famous Christmas movie called, "It's a Wonderful Life"? The main character finds himself in a state of depression wishing he'd never been born. The movie shows what life would have been like without him...and the many people who would have been negatively effected without his presence. No matter the circumstance of your birth you were no surprise to God. My mother planned me without my father's knowledge. They had two children already, a girl and a boy, yet she longed for one more. It took Dad awhile to get used to the idea because he felt as if he was getting too old for another child. David declared in Psalms 139 that God formed him in the womb. We can proclaim with him that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Now 43 years later, Dad says he doesn't know what he'd do without me. Whether or not your family celebrates your birth, your exisitence on this earth, God has purpose for your life. We serve a God who is not pulling a cruel joke by giving us life. The Word says, that the plans of the Lord are good towards us. Perhaps your life doesn't seem like a gift to you right now. Debt, sorrow, and lost may cloud our vision. The Bible says that Jesus was a man of Sorrows aquainted with grief, He well understands us and the feelings we go through. When we think we are sinking he offers His hand to us just as He did to Peter.....He offers to lift us up and bring us to our purpose and a life worth living. You can make a difference with God's help to those around you. Your life is a gift and yes your life counts for eternity.

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