Monday, January 21, 2008


Are you hungry? It is 12:00 a.m. and I have to work tomorrow. I should be in bed sound asleep. I will be shortly. I've been listening to teaching on fasting which is a discipline that I have practiced to some degree and have increased in last year. Just thinking about it has made me feel physically hungry. I am fighting the urge to raid the fridge even as I write this post. The Holy Spirit began to talk to me about being hungry for Him. Jesus said that those who hunger and thrist after Him shall be filled. Many Christians have experienced dry times myself included. Jesus declared He is the bread of life...our daily manna. I say to the LORD this early morning that my hunger for him is greater than the fridge, it is greater than desire for TV time, and it is great (ah....Lord make it so) greater than my computer time, greater than any relationship and indeed it helps my most precious relationships become fonder and more loving. When I'm dry my heart can still drink from the well of Salvation....feelings are not my guide....when I'm hungry I reach up for the heavenly manna and eat that which Jesus provides in His Word and through the Holy Spirit. If I thirst and don't drink....the result is more dryness....If I hunger after God but push that hunger aside with the click of a channel changer than my hunger is not fulfilled. I go to bed without the desired trip to the fridge, but with the presence of the Holy Spirit that feeds my soul and brings refreshing like a cool drink.

Are you hungry for God? What are you feeding yourself?
Are you thirsty for God? What are you drawing from the wells of Salvation?


david santos said...

Hi Rith

Excellent post!
Thank you.
have a good day

Ruth said...

David it is nice to meet you. Thank you for your kind comment.