Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Seeing the Gifts of God in our lives

Have you ever heard the phrase, "you can't see the forest for the trees"? Recently a sincere young woman asked me, "Does God really give gifts, does he really care?". The obvious answer is of course He does, we have only to look around us to see His love and His gifts to us. Yet, if we are willing to admit it to ourselves we like this young lady have experienced times where "life" and all its trappings have caused us to miss the evidence of His love towards us. Burdened with job, bills, relationships, caring for our children, wonderings about our future and a myrid of other concerns can all be things that cause us to look towards the heavens and wonder if there really is a loving God who looks upon us with love and concern. In the month of January I'd like to examine the love of God and how we can see it and understand it in 2008. We'll use Scripture and also will welcome personal testimonies. Back to the "you can't see the forest for the trees" phrase----when we are focused on our problems our vantage point is limited. We miss other things all around us, things that could be of benefit to us if only we could redirect our vision. Let's allow 2008 be the year to lift our eyes toward heaven and see Him.

See you tomorrow...

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