Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Gift of Ministry

Since my husband and I are Pastors it is sometimes hard to talk about ministry as gifts, but that is exactly what the Bible does in Ephesians chapter 4:8-16. Paul explains that Jesus gave the five fold ministry as gifts to the church. The truth is the Bible also lets it be known that the body of Christ is a gift to those in ministry. When ministry is operating properly it prepares the church for ministry both within and outside the box (church walls). There is sacrifice involved. Though many aspire to it because of seeming glamor they fall by the wayside when the real work is revealed...and when things get tough. You see the gift of ministry is more than a Sunday Service, shaking hands, and an occasional wedding or funeral. Some church goers have no idea what goes into a ministers life. Sometimes expections have nothing to do with Biblical mandates....but fall prey to man made ideas of what, when or how they should do something. One thing is for sure is since Jesus gave the gift we should not expect cookie cutter ministers and wives. We've been ministering in the same church for a long time and we don't have plans to leave, but I've been thinking about down the road when we either move on or retire. I've asked the Lord, "How can I prepare the people to accept the new pastors wife when she comes with her own gifts and talents?" I pastor along with my husband, preach and teach, lead cell groups ect. Yet should the Lord tarry, maybe the next wife will be a singer, maybe she'll be a business woman who can contribute to the setting up of the budget and other administrative tasks. My answer seems to be to see the worth and God given talent in our congregation and to show them both in teaching and in lifestyle the value of different gifts used for the Glory of God in the body of Christ. I'm not the typical singer, piano player, cookie baker, pastors wife....and they accepted me....so accpeting the Gift in season with all its personality and diversity should come naturally. The Gift may be different from other gifts, what stays the same is integrity and holiness unto the Lord. Ministry, my friend, is not about your apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers doing everything....real ministry helps you to step into the game and do your part.

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